Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Camping and other events

I both love it and hate it.
Love the concept.. hate the work that comes with it, sleeping out in the wilderness, wild animals, and just not sleeping great..
other then that.. i love being with my boys out in the wild

here are some pictures from our latest camping adventure...

Joshua's best time for school work is at night. Notice that he is in his P.J's ... It was 9:30 in the evening that he did school work tonight.. I love homeschool!

6 years i started working as a youth leader at our old church. This year my "girls" that i was a leader to for many years (until we had to back out of leading for a bit because of children) graduated! Even though we do not go to the same church and it has been a few years since I've been a youth leader, these girls still remain very near and dear to me and it such a joy to watch them grow up. I am so blessed that they still include me in their lives.

Matt's little sister graduated this year as well. She has grown into quit a beautiful young lady and it's been a joy as well to see her mature through the years!


Kmarie said...

What are you making over the fire and doing in the water? Camping is a strange concept to me. I think I went once:) Too much sensory overload!
Congrats to your sister in law!

My Little Warriors said...

k- Sausage, and Matt is washing the dishes! :) I'm usually the main dish washer in the house so it was a nice change not to have to wash while we were camping