Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, May 20, 2011

Daniel Update

We had the doctor appointment today. It went just as i expected with a little bit of a twist. I went through the normal routine of telling the nurse no we do not vaccinate and did my best to be polite and kind in my assurance of how i felt about what i did and did not want put into my children's body. I was surprised that the doctor was trying to get me to do a fluoride treatment for Daniel that visit.. i didn't know that family physicians where starting to take on the roll of dentists. I graciously declined and told her that i felt that Daniel did not need a fluoride treatment even though we do live on well water. We already use toothpaste with fluoride in it and even that I'm not to comfortable with, but Matt feels it necessary, so we've come to a common ground on it. ANYWAY... sorry rabbit trail there. I won't tell you how the whole appointment went word for word but here is the main points...

- Daniel is growing great! above average in height!

- The next step is getting his hearing checked, though he had no fluid in his ears and they looked good! yay!

- After the hearing check we will be going down to Portland and going through testing for an official diagnosis... though this probably won't be for a few months at least as it's a long wait list to get in.

- The most surprising part of the visit was that she didn't think that Daniel exhibited a lot of "autistic" tendencies and she said his big issue seems to be the speech delay and everything seems to stem off of that. She said that she would be interested to hear what the official diagnosis is. I can see where she is coming from with that because Daniel is VERY social, has great eye contact, and is very intelligent... just non verbal and has some separation issues. She said that in a few things he was a little more advanced then typical 4 year olds. So that was intersting.

Anyway.. that's all i have for you tonight. Over all the appointment went well and i totally felt the presence of the Lord keeping my head level and calm for my boy, not to mention Daniel did great!


Kmarie said...

Yay! That is interesting. I can't wait to find out more. he could possibly not hear properly or something. I remember being so shocked to find out my son heard sounds under water and could barely see. He functioned so well considering:)

Jamie said...

Wow! That IS interesting!

I can totally relate with the awkward "we don't vaccinate" discussion. We took Abraham to the ER last night... he wasn't putting any weight on his leg after a fall off the bed... and as it was his first time being in a hospital or being seen by a doctor, there was totally that awkwardness and feeling of being treated like... well, not like a responsible mama. Ugh!

Ms. Lexi Lou said...

Thats awesome news! I am very interested in hearing the results as well. There was a little boy in a class that I worked with that showed signs of Autism. He started the road of testing and viola! He needed glasses. HUGE difference. Completely different child. Good luck to you and your family!

I've had experience with the whole not vaccinating thing too. Really? I said no. Leave me alone!

Joel and Renée said...

Glad to hear appt went well Kristen!