Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, May 6, 2011


After 2 years of not being able go to a church service, last Sunday i got to enjoy a little bit of worship and a message and even baptisms at our new church! :D
Daniel loves it.. he was so excited to go to church last week! The best part of the service last week was the pastor telling the congregation that he knows there are families with special needs children and that it can be tough to worship with the extra needs so he was saying how they would love to step up and help out the families with special needs kids... A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Seriously... I feel comfortable there... there are a lot of families with boys around our boys age, so I'm excited to get to know people and become a part of others lives in our community. I'm also excited that the boys don't mind sitting in service with us during worship and also that Joshua actually sits with us during the message, though they are going to try a children's church during the message time starting this week, so we are going to ask him if he wants to go to that or sit with us. Now i just need to be outgoing and open to new relationships... it feels so good to be moving into the direction of community again!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

WOW! That is SO great!! It almost makes me cry, that's how happy I am for you guys. I just ache for you to be in a place where you can be fed and get rest and find fellowship, ALL of you.

It's odd, I had no idea that I was craving that for you guys, but if one member of the body hurts, the rest hurts with it, right? I am really, really relieved that you have found that church.