Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, January 8, 2010

Where's the line?

Raising children can be a challenging task when it comes to the world and media choices. Where's the line? Is there a line? I was having a conversation with Matt's mom about this. She was wanting to bring Joshua to go see the new "princess and the frog" movie. I had heard from multiple sources that this movie had a lot of Voodoo in it. I had told her that I didn't think it was a good idea because I don't like what i had heard about it. She then went on to talk about movies like snow white and sleeping beauty and the witches in those movies and how it isn't very much different then the "voodoo" magic that would be in the princess and the frog movie. Interesting thought... It definitely is a hard topic. Where is the line? There is "magic" in The lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, but it deeply symbolic. I know people who try to draw redemptive properties out of any movie... but that just doesn't work for me. I think that there needs to be more sensitivity. I've noticed that people who are lenient of media choices and who subject themselves to things that are certainly NOT wholesome or for the Lord have a hard time deciphering what is right and what is wrong in all things. Some things are SO black and white and obvious. Well, yes this movie has sex scenes and the like, but they are JUST acting. mmmhmmm... And what is going to be in your head the rest of the afternoon... and how do you think that person's spouse in the movie that was "just acting" feels? If My husband was an actor and he had a love scene with another woman.. let me tell you that would CRUSH me... and i certainly could not say to myself "he's JUST acting". Yeah... he's JUST acting INAPPROPRIATELY. Anyway... rabbit trail sorry.
I'll admit I haven't always made the wisest media choices and some of my favorite movies have things that are questionable. For instance... My favorite childhood movie is Beauty and the Beast. I love how Belle embraces life and how she doesn't let the gossipy townspeople to get to her, and that she has dreams. I like the message behind the movie that talks about accepting people and learning to love them in their rough states. Of course there is magic, what disney movie is void of magic? Let's take the little mermaid... there is a bit more magic in that movie... does that make it worse? Where's the line of what's okay and what's not? Everybody has different standards and different convictions and Media will always be a hot topic. I think media can definitely be a good thing. But it also is VERY damaging.
My standpoint on it is that I trust that the Holy spirit will convict my heart and lead me in the proper direction of choosing healthy choices for my boys. I believe that if I keep in step with the Lord he will allow me to make choices for my children that may not always be popular to them or to others around us.. but it will protect them and help them to be discerning when they are called to make those choices without me. Will i make mistakes and will they see things that they probably shouldn't? Yes i probably will. Have they watched movies they probably shouldn't? Yes they probably have. Are they scared for life? I sure hope not. All i can do is trust the Lord, keep myself informed on what I allow in my home, and continue to seek a life that's pleasing to the Lord. And when the times do come where we have made mistakes in media choices or the boys have been to someones house where a media choice was not a proper one, we can sit down and talk about exactly why certain elements in the movie where not wholesome and just pray that the Lord continues to give wisdom and grace.
Where's the line for you?
How do you deal with this issue in your family?

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Very interesting question.

Yes, Media is a hot topic.

And I'm beginning to have some of the same questions as you.

Thanks for the thought-provoking post.