Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My oh my...

So as some of you may know I've been having heart issues. For the past three weeks solid I've been very tired and my chest has been sore. I've been having issues with numb limbs and also shortness of breath. Yesterday the doctors hooked me up with an event monitor to see what my heart was doing. So an average heart rate is 70. when they hooked me up my heart rate was 90 and has been jumping anyway between the low 80's to around 235 (that's the highest I've seen it on the monitor). After the episodes of the 200's my chest is sore and my arms are numb. I know this sounds terrible but I'm SO excited to FINALLY know what's going on. My heart is going crazy (and mind you it does this random jumping around while I'm sitting and doing nothing). The doctor believes that it is SVT. Here is a link to the explanation to what SVT is.
I know some of you read this website.
(sorry i haven't figured out how to do that whole link thing yet!
It is the same thing stellan has. I can't imagine being a baby and having to deal with this. I'm not worries or concerned. I know that my life and heart are in the Lord's hands and i trust that my doctor will choose the best course of treatment for me... if SVT is what i am struggling with. (Which all the symptoms fit and my doctor believes that's what i have.)
So besides crazy heart issues. what's new here? Not to much... still thinking dreaming and working on a move out to Minnesota. I'm super excited to be closer to friends and family, but nervous about the process.
Anyway it's late and i need some sleep! I'll try to get on and post some pictures tomorrow! Night!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Wow. That is crazy. I follow MckMama's blog... how odd that you have the same thing as Stellan. I'm glad you know what it is, and I hope you will know what to do about it soon.