Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I've been browsing schooling curriculum for my boys lately. Everything that i find i either don't like, WAY to expensive, or it just doesn't fit Joshua or Daniel. Solution? Create my own curriculum. Time consuming? YES. Worth it? Of Course. I know that there is doubters out there and people who may think i am just off my rocker, but everything that i have searched for and found is all of what i have formulated in my head myself. And i can create it for about half the price, if not 75% less then what is being asked for the curriculum. I'm excited and nervous. Excited because i love doing new things and creating things, nervous because i know I'm going to get worn out and tired, and also nervous because i do worry about others opinions of me and my children. That is going to be a big hurdle to jump over. But i know that in the long run it will be better for my children and for me. I've been having fun this summer doing schooling with them and i am excited to get into it even more as the "school year" is almost here.

Anyway... life is busy and crazy and we are just trying to find a good balance of enjoying the journey at this time. So enjoy some pictures and i will try to update on our progress through life more often!

more shop

me and the big boys

Elijah enjoying some cheerios outside


Alfie and Maria said...

That is exciting. And you know I would probably be doing the same thing!

Alfie and Maria said...

And that's a really cute picture of you and the big boys!

Natalie said...

Fun for you Kristin! I didn't find what I wanted either, and so I'm doing something different for each subject. There are some programs where they sell you the whole set, but I don't like those, I'm mixing and matching! I'm excited to see how it goes for you!