Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Joshua really wanted to help cook his dinner tonight, so we let him. Here he is cooking his eggs and ham.

yes he really was cooking them and doing a good job! I know.. crazy to let a 4 year old cook... let alone our 4 year old.. but he did a great job and listened very well!

Elijah has started to eat solid foods. He's loving it for the most part. He makes a hilarious expression every time we feed he him something but he still eats it.
Yummy cracker

Mmm apple and butternut squash

(for the record that's Matt's hairy arm... not mine)

In other kid news, I set Elijah down on the floor to watch the boys play in the play room so i could get some breakfast. After i got my breakfast i came back and the boy was in the hall.. a few minutes later he had scooted himself backwards into the laundry room! And of course a trail of drool where he had been. Wow.. mobile at 6 months, life is going to be fun!

1 comment:

Alfie and Maria said...

I see the hummingbird feeder!!!