Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, July 31, 2014

i hike in skirts

really.. it was just palin comfortable AND I wore shorts under! ;)
Here is our adventure from today.. LOTS more elevation then I thought.. but a good day.. 12 miles in all! I'll let the pictures speak for me because I am READY for BED!














Kmarie said...

I ADORE that you hike in a skirt! Its so cute and endearing! I could never do "hiking" is none existent anyway but as a teen I hiked in jeans- LOL...way more uncomfortable! It was actually because I wiped out all the time and it would take more to rip my skin in jeans. Yup...The pictures are beautiful. Looks refreshing and lovely and holly molly!I would be done in my 12 miles and in a fibro flare for three weeks! U are incredible!

Joel and Renée said...

Fun!! ~Renée