Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, June 29, 2014

where there are boys.. there's bound to be fishing

I was laying in my bed quietly reading when he came in and sat down. He had that look on his face, the one he has when he wants to talk. I put my book down and focused my attention on him, slightly concerned, and i asked what was up. He asked about our schedule for the next few days and then mentioned a fishing day.
 I made that sound all serious didn't I?
okay.. I couldn't help myself from being a little narrative there.... we decided to go fishing.
You have to admit that my intro was way more exciting then
"We went fishing"
okay so here are some pictures...
It's hard to tell with pictures the depth but seriously.. this was a steep hill we had to climb down to get to the pool at the bottom on the waterfall where we were planning on fishing.

one of my all time favorite waterfalls.

Joshua caught a little fish. Not big enough to keep, and yes despite the blood it survived the catching just fine and was released back into it's fish haven at the bottom of the falls.

 there can't be fishing without eating chips.. that is a rule in our house ;)

Daniel reeling in his fish...

and a fish! YAY.. this one as well was to small to keep, but it was fun to catch and let go.

And Elijah got his as well...

and one last picture for you of a really cool tree... because I think it's cool and the kid in the picture is pretty cute too.

Happy end of June!


Kmarie said...

oh beautiful pics! Glad it was enjoyable...I love that uprooted tree:)

Kmarie said...

P.S. Also love the narrative!:) Very creative:)