Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, November 9, 2013

I will NEVER do that.

I have a tendency to say things like " I WILL NEVER DO THAT.." and then I end up doing the very thing that I said I would never do . Usually the things that I say that about, are things that I think that I could never accomplish. For one reason or another it feels better to say something is crazy or I wouldn't like it, instead of saying that I wouldn't want to try it because of the great fear of failure. I've lived with myself long enough now that I really should know better of myself. I act like I don't want a challenge, but my adventurous heart says "BRING IT ON". For years I have said that I will NEVER be a runner. NEVER. Well it has been 9 months since I have proved myself wrong. I have put hundreds of miles behind me running. A friend has been begging me to do a half marathon with her.. and I kept telling her " I WILL NEVER DO THAT."  Last week while I was out running I was thinking.. why not? I could do it.

So.... 2 days before my 30th birthday I will be running a half marathon with my friend who has been begging me and bugging me to do a half marathon with her. The most I have run has been 6 miles and there was some walking involved in that.. so today I decided to set out to see if I could do 7 miles ( that is twice around our lake here in town). I DID IT...Without any walking! And afterwards I still felt good... I could move and I felt like I could go further. So.. a half marathon in 12 weeks doesn't sound so crazy.

My friend tells me that after the 1/2 that means that I should work towards a full marathon. And my instant reaction is to say " I WILL NEVER DO THAT"... but now.. i'm thinking I need to say, " Maybe I can do that."

1 comment:

Joel and Renée said...

We all learn from the little blue engine: "I think I can, I think I can... I thought I could!!"

Way to go with all that running!!!