Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, February 8, 2013

Saying goodbye...

Today we sold my favorite llama. It was bitter sweet, but i'm doing better then i thought i would seeing her go. I think it's because i know she will be loved and happy in her new home.
We reevaluated our backpacking situation and our land/hay situation and came to the conclusion that 2 llamas are really all we need. So we decided to find a new home for our older llama Katy... she was our first llama, over friendly, and had crazy eyes (one blue, one black). One of the reasons we picked her is because she is 7 years old, and on our last backpacking trip she was acting like a little princess and didn't want to carry her pack and she would lay down right in the middle of the path. So we found her a home where she can be fat and happy hanging out with another llama and some horses. Now we are down to two... Gwen and Shiloh... Gwen just turned 2 years old and Shiloh is 1 1/2 now. If their health holds up and they are taken care of well they will live into their 20's and the will be able to do heavy packing into their late teens. So it just made sense to keep those two.
AND we are going to sell our big trailer and just use a smaller trailer.. (because now that we only have two llamas there is no need for a huge trailer) SO it will save of gas money as well! As well as 1 less llama means having to give less supplements and less hay in the winter.
Goodbye Katy.. We will always remember you as the one who taught us and made us love your kind.


Kmarie said...

Sorry for the goodbye but glad it works put in other ways;) cute picture;)

Marissa said...

It always hard to give up animals hey? We are getting a cow and so need to seek our goat and it makes me sad. But it is part of life on a farm.
And I agree that is such a cute picture