Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, February 3, 2013

29 finds me...

Today is my birthday.
 Here i sit, eating plain yogurt (i would tell you why it's plain and not some other yummy version but i don't want to give to much info.. we'll just leave it at i am trying to beat something naturally)  listening to M. Buble (thanks K), and feeling content.
I don't feel old.. Actually I'm happy that I'm on my last year of my 20's.
I was going to put down 29 things about me... but as i started typing i was you guys really care that i love the colors blue and purple and i am tired from staying out all night at a friends house??... naw... I'd rather be doing something else. SO there you have it.. maybe tomorrow!

Happy day to you...  i hope this day is treating you well.


Kmarie said...

Happy 29th! and i feel for you with the yugort! Been there...keep off of all sugars and carbs too and take a probiotic!:) Drink lots and no hanky panky for the duration:)- If I am guessing right- you probably know all this anyway- get your hubby to de yeastify too.Too much info?- oops sorry!

As for your birthday I already know 29 things about you:
you are gracious
you love to make quilts
your sons are the reason you advocate
your sister is supported and lucky to have you
your nephew's existence has been validated by you
you are good at the domestics that I wish I could be
You love the mountains
you adore your hubby
you support your hubby in his creative pursuits
you love Llamas and creatures that can calm
you are good at taking care of all those in your care
you are a proponent of a good epsom soak with tea tree
you are unafraid to explore societal norms
you like warm cozy clothes
You love thrifting
You enjoy travel and adventure
Your first kiss with hunny was on the wedding day
you have allergies
you love blue
you have a heart for other people
You esp love to encourage and support people AND
you are good at that!
Your words are kind
You have used your life to be the best you
Your imperfections make you even more worthwile
You have overcome with tenacity
You have forgiven in very tough situations
You listen with your heart
and finally- you are so worthy of being loved and your life is worth living

I think that is 29!:) Happy birthday!

Joel and Renée said...

Happy Birthday Kristin!