Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday randoms

Seriously i think this man is hot stuff and i really want a vacation ALONE with JUST HIM. (yep... he is wearing one of the kids shirts bunched up on his head to look like a pirate). Over 9 years together and he has my heart more than ever. We are SO meant for each other! Cheesy i know. Our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other well. Man i love him! Even when he drives me crazy.


We went to our natural path today. She shared some exciting news with me about apraxia. I was surprised that she had a suggestion because i didn't think that there was really anything that could make a difference with Daniel. She told me that there have been studies that have shown that children with apraxia have a vitamin e deficiency (some of the symptoms of apraxia mirror a vitamin e deficiency)! So we are putting Daniel on some vitamin E supplements and we are hoping that we can see some improvement with his communication skills!

Joshua got some blood tests done today. Some tests for thyroid function and a few other things. Maybe some a few new symptoms he is having will be explained. ( bad body odor, excessive drinking, always hungry (like he eats 4 eggs ham and hash browns for breakfast and says he is starving an hour later.)

Something else i learned from our NPD today is that Vitamin C can help with allergies... hmmm think i may have to give that a try. My allergies have been terrible this year!
Elijah and Daniel both have ear infections. Going to try Mullin Garlic in the ears and some immune boosting vitamins and see how they are after a couple of days. Usually the Mullin Garlic takes care of the ear infections.

So i talked to the NP about my random issues. She is pretty convinced that it is related to my adrenal function. She is upping my adrenal supplements (which i guess i wasn't taking enough of!). So we are going to go from there, and then if the upping of the adrenal supplements does not help, she is going to do a blood test on vitamin levels and just how my body is functioning. Here is an interesting article on some signs of adrenal fatigue. Our NP believes that most mothers have adrenal fatigue to some extent. It makes sense that i am drained again... what with all the extras that come along with my wonderful children, helping out my little sister and all that entails, and losing a parent recently and other things around that.

Speaking of my little sister.. and my nephew...

This little guy needs to be covered in prayers. We are loving on him the best that we can and know how. I love him like he is my son. And I know that like my boys, he has a destiny to do great things. His momma doesn't always make the best choices, but she does try. So we just keep loving and praying and being there. A lot of people think i am crazy and think that Matt and I have taken on a lot because we already have such a busy life. But what it comes down to is that right now, at this time, it is the right choice to help care for him. I've always wanted to do foster care and help out pregnant teens. God just happened to land that situation right within the family... it makes it a little more personal, but it's still something that we are called to do.

I'm listening to country music on Pandora right now... and they are picking all the right songs. sigh... i love how music ministers.

I really want to complain about how i don't have enough time to walk everyday like i would like. Or i would like to complain about how i haven't eaten a hot meal in who knows how long because kids always need something during meal times. I also would really like to complain how i just want to take a NICE HOT DEEP BATH but i can't. I would also like to complain about how i would like to be able to do more than one load of laundry a day, but i can't. I would also love to complain about how i'm tired that my kids are such picky eaters and it is so frustrating to make a great meal for them and they barely touch it. But if i went on and on about all the things that annoyed me or bothered me or give into a foul mood, it doesn't help anyone, most of all me. And in the scheme of things, these little things are first world problems. First World Problems: Problems from living in a wealthy, industrialized nation that third worlders would probably roll their eyes at.
As i type this section of the blog the song " you're gonna miss this" by trace adkins is playing.

and one last thought for you from a homeschool mom that i want to share....

Dear Moms—especially new homeschool moms— this is a Public Service Announcement: Homeschooling should NOT be overwhelming.

If God has called you to homeschool your children, He WILL equip you for the journey. If your "core" curriculum is overwhelming, take a step back and really pray about how much work you are taking on for both yourself and your kids.

I fear we are focusing too much on the "...3 R's" and we're forgetting the things that matter most. They will never be found inside a text book. They will be found in the most unexpected places-a bed time story, a conversation over breakfast, a steady guiding of conscience and spirit by a mom who is surrendered to the One who loves her children most.

Character before curriculum. Marriage before mothering. These are the things that matter most. ♥

Tuesday randoms for you.

1 comment:

Kmarie said...

Serendipitous. I have found out that most of my insomnia is due to adrenal fatigue but my naturopath is off until fall. Drats. I need help there.
Vitamins make a difference- just make sure they are reputable.
It's ok to complain sometimes. Do not compare yourself to the third world- I used to do that a lot but in doing that I suddenly realized that I was not giving justice to both parties by realizing the daily struggle in all humanity. Yes, we have it good but yes we also struggle and having young kids we crave that time out. Take it for yourself sometimes so you can make a difference:)
You are sweet and you and your hubby are super cute. Love hearing that!