Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, March 4, 2010


OKay my thoughts may be a bit scattered through this post so stick with me.

It was so great to be back in Minnesota. We really needed the break! The pictures from the last post are of Joshua and Daniel relaxing and enjoying grandma and grandpas house, My sister's new pup, Bella, My niece Ashley, and my nephew Franklin. I was able to get more snaps of Ashley because i saw her more. :)

So here we are, very close to having the house up for sale and getting ready for a change. The future is still very full of endless possibilities. We could sell the house for more than we expected, or not be able to sell it at all. I'm excited, yet at peace. I know that the Lord has a plan and he is a loving God who sees my needs and takes care of me.

When we came back to Washington from Minnesota i felt sad that we were going to leave the beauty of this place. I love the mountains and the climate and the tall trees. We have a beautiful home and a beautiful view. But over the course of coming home and the day I just kept thinking about how it really doesn't mean anything if i don't have people i love to share it with. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my boys and Matt... I'm saying family. The view isn't worth the sacrifice of not being able to be around my family and to be a part of a support system. I want to be able to be there for my family when they need me. I want to be able to help out with my nieces and nephew. and so much more. All of the scenery and the house in the world does not compare to family. And not to mention friends... though they are much more like family then anything.So i guess I'm saying I'm willing to give up the beauty that i have now for another kind of beauty. Over time I am sure that I will grow to love the area in which we live and find a new pace of life.

Yawn.. it's late and I'm sleepy!

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