Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Monday, September 14, 2009

Picture post

Elijah has discovered Mud! He is fitting right in with his older brothers!

Isn't he sweet?

PAINT! Matt got a great deal on some high quality paint for the shop.. it's not our first choice in color but it's not bad. The color is called peppered pecan.

Back of shop with the window in! yay


Painting complete... now we need a door!

we used the extra paint to paint the much needed sections on the house.. the rest of the house is okay for now to wait on paint... so we get to look unique for a while!

Joshua with his "life size" batman that i found at a garage sale for 1$!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Alfie and Maria said...

I like the color. And that Batman is just as awesome as I was picturing in my mind!! Cute mud pics, too! :)