Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, April 12, 2009

randoms because it's late but i want to post...

I never thought i would have to become skilled in the ways of ironing... but now that Matt has a desk job it has recently come into play.
MRI went as well as could be expected. Not sure when i will be hearing back about the results... we'll see. Other doctors appointments will be in 1 week and a half to see what's going on elsewhere. Maybe it is all connected somehow? hmm... it'd be interesting to see. For now I'm on some random medicine that makes my appetite very minimal (which really I'm not complaining about because I'm still not to my "goal" weight).
Tomorrow i start using the PECS system with my boys. I'm hoping for good results and better communication.. mainly with Daniel. Joshua is at a place where he can now verbalize his needs! WHOOO HOOOOO Thank you Jesus! I'll let you know how that goes.
We (more specifically me and the boys) haven't been to church in a while. We've been having some issues with Daniel not liking it a SCREAMING the whole time. And also other issues with Joshua's Sunday school teacher. SO I've just opted out of going for now... it's just a season and i do get a lot of fellowship with other christian friends. At least Matt is able to go to church during this time.
I really need to get more organized. Having 3 boys is definitely busy and sometimes chaotic. I find that if i lay out the plans for my day better then i am better organized for when life turns chaotic. Does that make sense?
Oh we went exploring on Saturday. It was so much fun... i wish we could have gone farther but with kids they only like to spend a certain amount of time in the car and then they are shot...

Oh and i was so proud of Joshua... it was his first time peeing in the wilderness without a toilet! GO JOSH! (oh the silly little things that kids do to make you happy)

Okay gotta go! goodnight.

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