Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, April 3, 2009


This weekend is suppose to be nice. So i figure it's about time to plant the garden. Matt is almost done with moving all the dirt and tomorrow he will be putting up the chicken wire and on Sunday i am hoping to plant.

Joshua is almost done with his "spring" break from school. I have loved having him home. He only has 8 more weeks of school and then he is off for most of the summer. It's amazing how much progress he has made socially and emotionally. Not to mention his now huge vocabulary! He now plays with his peers and he LOVES to hang out with Elijah. He will hug him and kiss him and play peek-a-boo with him. Such a great thing to have his personality back and just a testament to God's healing touch on his life.

Speaking of Joshua that brings me to another point. April is Autism awareness month and i am now going to make you aware! Check out for more information on autism and what it is and who it affects. And if you have any questions you can always ask me! :)

no baby kittens yet but we are expecting them soon. Kitty is getting bigger with the day and seems like she will pop at any time. When we go to feed her during the day we will often find a snack from the night before that she caught and was keeping for later in her bed/box (a.k.a. mouse or mole). Fun stuff...

hmm well let me find some pictures to post up for you and then i need to get back to picking up the house! :)

Elijah sleeping on mommy

Matt and the boys

Daniel and Joshua being couch potatoes

Roxy on the car.... bad dog

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