Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

a quick note on normal

I realized that maybe my talking about normal may not sit with my friends who have children who do not have special needs. To all of my friends who read this and comment I just want to say to you that in no way do I feel like your children are boring or do not have any wonderful gifts! In fact of what I know of your kiddos I think they are all pretty spectacular. SO if you read that past post, please don't feel like I am attacking children and families with no special needs.. it's more like my own heart realizing that we don't fit into what society deems as normal behavior for children and families and it's okay! :)
Just wanted to put that out there!


Kmarie said...

you are thoughtful and sweet:)

Jamie said...

I thought your post was wonderful. We have certain considerations too that we have to keep in mind when we go places even without having kids technically in the special needs category. I applaud mamas for recognizing the specific needs of their children and acting accordingly! It takes a lot of stamina and love to be able to go against the grain. Good for you! You are an encouragement to me!