I have a problem.
I want everybody to be happy.
I want everybody to have everything they want, and i want everybody to be comfortable.
I want to help them feel whole.
I want them to reach their highest potential.
I want everybody to always feel like I am doing my best for them.
These feelings are not necessarily bad things IF THEY ARE BALANCED with care for self... but I take my desires for others to extremes and then I feel bad when i let someone down. and i blame myself for their failures.... as if there is always something that i could have done better to have prevented pain or heartache.
When Joshua was just a wee baby, matt and I attended a prophetic conference. (which that story within itself is a whole other post someday) We were prophesied over and the man (whom did not know us, our situation or my heart) spoke many truths over my life and confirmations of feelings i had. One of the things that God spoke through him was that I had a heart like a mother goose, wanting to take everyone and everything under my wing. He spoke of how that was a great trait, but i would burn out fast and that i needed to learn to say NO, and take care of myself and rest in the Lord. I took that to heart and with the years i have been growing in that.. but now more then ever I've had to work on boundaries. I have A LOT on my plate.. especially now with helping out my sister. Honestly she is a full time job within herself, not to mention she is trying to raise a baby and still being a baby herself... so more then ever I've been aware of what i can and cannot do... and I'm learning to be okay with that...
but it's hard... And i have trouble finding that balance sometimes on what is the best road to choose.. because each day i have many choices on what to do with the day and how it will be spent.
I'm still learning and growing, but it's still hard to say no. I know that i need to only move in the perimeter of my boundaries.. and i know that some of whom i serve do not understand the need for those boundaries (namely my little sister), but i need to let it go and take care of myself.
many thanks are due to a long distance friend who has really spoken into my life with her insightful and wise words on self care and being aware of ones own needs. as well as a close by friend who has shared the same wisdom.
I can go to the point of beyond burnout.. where my body is physically worn out.. from lack of adrenaline, and then my heart starts acting up and I'm just in pain and unable to even fold laundry or sit up because my heart is so worn out. I can't do that to my family, i CAN'T do that to myself. And who does it help to never take care of myself and only ever worry about others. I don't mean to sound like i am being selfish.. but I am done trying to be everything to everybody.. and when i keep my focus to a few, and within my boundaries, i find my love and abilities stretch far beyond what i could do if i was just always... TRYING.
It's going to be a constant struggle.. but THIS is my proclamation.. I AM DONE TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY... I AM DONE BURNING MYSELF OUT.. and I AM DONE PUTTING THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS ACTIONS ON MYSELF... if i have moved within my boundaries and spoken my heart and view point that is ENOUGH. I cannot burn myself out and be walked on.. i REFUSE! I WILL TAKE CARE OF MYSELF so in turn i can BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS!!!
hi :) I found you through Kmarie's blog.. I think every single person ( women particularly) reach burnout at some point until they realize they have to be as important if not more important in some ways than other people.. in order to have the strength to keep moving and doing. I'm happy you're choosing to make yourself happy too. No is a powerful word and when used with the right motive and meaning brings freedom and peace.
It makes me really sad to hear that you are worn out, but I am so glad that you are being wise and choosing to take steps that you need to. Choosing to say no is hard (it does get easier), but I agree with Glynis, when used well it has such freedom and peace...and the flip side is that it gives so much joy to "yes"
Ah I love seeing community in the blogging world:)
Yes, you are wise to recognize your own needs. As I always say "If Jesus instructed us to love our neighbour as ourselves- we must have a healthy, respectful self love first!" That is not selfish and you do not sound selfish. Ironically it is giving:)
I am proud of your self awareness and care FOR the sake of others:)
If you ever have a burnout after I get my license, message me and I'll watch the boys while you take a bath and relax :) I'll even bring you chocolate, coffee, and some lavender bath salts ;)
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