Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Monday, April 25, 2011

I've been terrible at budgeting our money lately. Any advice or tips would be appreciated!

Saturday was such a nice warm day. we spent the majority of the day clearing more of our land to make more pasture space for the animals. In the clearing Matt and Joshua found an opossum skull. Joshua spent a LARGE part of the day playing with it pretending it was dragon bones. A couple of years ago i probably would have FREAKED out that my son was playing with the head of a dead animal... but I'm WAY more easy going now... and also it's helpful to know that the was very much an older one, so every ounce of flesh was LONG gone. Don't worry though.. he did not put it in his mouth and he had a full out suddsie warm hand washing after he was done playing outside with it.

I love this boys cheeks!

well nothing else to exciting going on here. Just ready for the rains of winter and spring to pass so we can enjoy more sunshine. I've been feeling better and currently not having any issues with clots... so that's a good thing.

1 comment:

Kmarie said...

I am glad the clotting is settleing down. Life is tougher with health issues. Believe me - I know:)