Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, April 9, 2011

laundry room llama

I never imagined that i would see this sight in my laundry room....

Before the sun went down I went out and checked on the llamas. Shiloh wasn't looking so great. The cow was bugging her (sniffing at her face and just being a little pest) and she was laying on her side pretty cold (she did this on the ride home also) so we decided to make up the laundry room for her to give her a better chance of getting well. It's warm and dry and we can leave out food and plenty of fresh water for her without Ferdinand and Cammy eating it before she has a chance. She's in pretty bad condition just hanging by a thread, so I'm trying everything in my power to give her the best chance at life. Hopefully she will pull through and start gaining weight and muscle. She can't stand up for more then 5 minutes at a time and she gets easily fatigued. I really hope this little girl pulls through because i know that she is just a gem and i really feel that if she can overcome and get well again she is going to make a GREAT therapy animal!


SadieAnne said...

Awe!!! I hope she gets strength!

Kmarie said...

That's awesome. You are amazing. I hope she does well.