Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Yep.. this post is about poop. Brown, smelly, gross, POOP. A BM in less disgusting terms. Just warning you...

Joshua use to play with his poo. He would smear it on the walls and floor, and basically use it as finger paint. I've heard that it can be a common issue among autistic children, something to do with sensory issues. All i know is that it is DISGUSTING! One of the last big poop episodes we had with him involved it being smeared all over a whole room, me calling up my mother in law begging her to come get him and Daniel so i could clean without issue and also i was pregnant with Elijah at the time so you can imagine how my mindset was. (do you like that big run-on sentence?)
Well we had a poop episode on Sunday. Sunday actually wasn't the best of days for us, Daniel had wheat earlier in the week so we've been dealing with some major meltdowns and for some reason Joshua has been super hyper lately, so life has been a little more challenging. Okay so on to the story. The boys had been playing in the mud so we decided they needed a bath. Matt was the one who was keeping an eye on them while they were in the bath while i was cooking dinner. I walked back to check on them and i saw Matt smelling around the back hall ( the boys rooms and bathroom are all in the back of the house). Then he looked into the bathtub and low and behold Daniel was holding a chunk of poop and there were poop blobs floating all around the boys. Now this has happened before with Daniel in the tub, we assumed Daniel had done it (he has trouble controlling his bm's sometimes and he also has that weird sensory thing, though not as terrible as Joshua did). But no.. it was not Daniel, Joshua piped up and said cheerfully "I pooped Daddy.. it's funny... hahaha" . URG. What is just gross is that they were just sitting in the poopy water totally oblivious to how sick and gross it was! We took the boys out, hauled them to our bathroom and gave them a second bath with a soapy scrub down and then off to an early bedtime.
End of poop story...
oh and Matt cleaned up the bathtub ...
he really is the best.
I have no deep thoughts to share about this experience. No epiphanies to reveal... It's just my life right now, isn't it glamorous?

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