Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Llama love

we picked them up today!!!!!!!

This is "Cammy" .. her original name was "twisted sister" because her hair is twisted, but we didn't like it to much so when we were driving home and looking at her we thought she looked like a camel.. and Matt has always wanted a camel so we have decided to name her Camille, or "Cammy" for short...
She is just perfect for our family.. so sweet and friendly. Which is fun because the meaning of Camille means "perfect".
Driving home...

We're Home!

Elijah said "look, it's a llama"

This is the other llama Shiloh. She was not thriving at all at the llama ranch so we took her home with us in hopes of lots of feed and love will get her all better. The reason she didn't do so well is because of her temperament. She is very calm and non-aggressive and that's not so good when you are with 50 other llamas when it comes to food. So anyway we are really hoping she will pull through the night... she was eating today so that's a good sign... but only the cold night will tell if shes got the gumption to hold on!

Hanging out...

meeting Ferdinand for the first time...

it's been a long day and I'm ready for some downtime!!! I'm sure there will be more ever so riveting llama updates in the near future!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Aw, how delightful! Love the name choice. I hope we get to come see you guys and your llamas someday!