Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Monday, April 18, 2011

Life unexpected..thought completed

I've been thinking lately about how life didn't turn out like i thought it was going to... well at least for now. When Matt and I embarked on our journey together i thought that we would be settling in some remote jungle somewhere by now, flying missionaries in and out of hard to reach places as well as the other duties that come along in missions aviation. It's crazy how life takes a turn. When we got married i never dreamed of living in a house in the country, having a small farm, Matt having a 9-5 job and trying to start up a home based business. I imagined myself with children and homeschooling, but definitely not in America! When we got married we weren't even sure that i was going to be able to have children because of how far along my endometriosis was. We had no idea that Matt would develop severe motion sickness, we would have special needs children, and God could possibly have other plans for us then going into overseas missions! Do i wish that we were still on the missions aviation path? Yep, there are days where my heart longs for the adventure of that life, but i feel peace that we are doing what God wants us to be doing for now. Instead of ministering and helping those overseas in person (even though we still largely support as much as we can financially), God has us loving those who he puts in our path here, showing them His love and faithfulness through our everyday life. We've had so many opportunities to be a testimony of His grace and love just through our children. We've been able to talk to doctors, therapist, teachers, and other parents of special needs children about God's amazing grace, love, and mercy because of the special gifts He has given us.. our boys. God has given us a unique opportunity to reach out, understand, and love many of those who are hurting and isolated. There are hard days, but My savior gently reminds me that I do not walk alone and that He has given me such a precious calling. Who knows.. someday we may be living in the remote jungles of the world reaching the hard to reach, but for now he has us reaching those in the special needs community, and around us here in America, that are equally in need of love and a saviour as those in far away places. And i feel like now more then ever i'm coming to understand more of what the body of Christ looks like. It's such an orrignal concept, but we all can't be feet or eyeballs. Each part has a function, and even though Matt and I really wanted to be feet, God wants us to be elbows right now, and you know what, i'm learning to be content being an elbow for this season... though i still dream of being a foot. :)

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