Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Training is going well for Katy (sounds like katie). Yep that's right, her name has been changed AGAIN. She actually responds to calling her that.. so i think it will stick.. though Joshua still calls her Cammy. Anyway... i've been working with her on walking, she is doing well and catching on fast. She is very gentle with the boys and lets them lead her around.
Because of Shiloh's passing, we are hoping to find another llama companion for Katy. I've had a lot of people e-mail in respond to my craigslist ad (LOVE Craigslist!) but we have yet to the perfect match... hopefully soon. She actually is becoming more tolerant of Ferdinand, so that's good.Here are a few pictures from a hike we took today.


Jamie said...

How cool!!

Marissa said...

So fun!! I am sorry that your other one didn't make it, losing animals is always sad:(.I am excited to hear more about your llamas, might be a possibility on our little farm someday.
Oh and your little puppets will be in the mail next week....I really am sorry that it has taken so long.