Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, April 2, 2011

This has been such a good weekend, and I'm feeling so blessed! This is the first time that my step dad has ever come out to visit with my mom since Matt and I married 7+ years ago. The visit came at a good time as last week was really hard for me. While i was running my legs went numb and i started feeling really strange. I think i threw a clot or something because that weekend i was in pain and sick and very tired. I'm doing much better then i was last weekend, but it was a major set back for me and slightly depressing. I thought that the days of my circulation and blood clotting issues were over, but i guess i haven't been doing as well as i thought i was. So I'm back on my blood thinning medication (natural stuff called Nattokinase) and trying to minimize driving time and remember that I always need to be preventative in what i do. Though i am a healthy person (eating good, regular exercise and healthy weight) I will always need to be sensitive to my special circulation and heart health unless the Lord heals me of it. Anyway... sorry to ramble off... it's just been a hard week.

In farm news...

Pippin (our pack goat) will be going to his new home tomorrow! I'm so excited for him. I think that he is really going to love his new owners (he already met them and he stuck to them like glue while they were here) and his new stable mates. He is going to be surrounded by a bunch of milk goats! I think Ferdinand will probably miss him, but i know that he'll adjust just fine. Anyway Ferdinand will have a new friend to keep him company. It's official, we will be driving down next week to pick up our new llama!

He is still a baby, but i think he will work very nicely for our little farm. He doesn't have a name yet, but I'm thinking we will name him Apa. Matt and I went through this cartoon series that had a flying bison and i loved his name and personality, so I'm thinking I want to name our new llama after him. The llama that i wrote about in my other post was a very nice llama, but the owners wanted way to much for him and also he was older and grew up around llamas so he would have been very lonely with our little farm.
Here is a picture of the flying bison character that i want to name our llama after

One more month until our barnyard poultry come! We are getting 10 chickens, 2 ducks, 2 geese, and 2 turkeys. I'm pretty excited... especially about the ducks.. I love ducks!
Well.. I better get off to go till up the garden one last time before planting in a couple of weeks!
Isn't our life exciting!?!

1 comment:

Kmarie said...

oh that is scary about clots- and depressing- but I am glad you are overcoming the natural discouragement. I hope you get better soon:)