Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Food ramblings

I'm feeling overwhelmed with food issues lately. It is not easy with our dietary requirements... this post sums up how i feel most days. One of my biggest things right now is that everything is so expensive and it is very hard to stick to healthy food when it breaks the bank every month. We are on our way to more self sufficiency in the food department which will help, but it's still frustrating. Our chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese will be coming next week... I'm SO excited to have poultry ranging around the farm again. Ferdinand is really starting to fill out nicely. This sounds so terrible, but i can not wait to see how he tastes! Oh wow.. that is just crazy to say, but still.. knowing how my beef was raised and treated and EXACTLY what went into him is so reassuring. I would love to get a pig to raise, but Matt isn't into that just yet and thinks that it's not worth it. Though honestly, we eat more pork then anything, so I think it would be worth it. Maybe his heart will soften towards it.
We planted our garden yesterday... this year we will have corn, burgundy bush beans, sugar snap peas, watermelon, strawberries (as always), and lemon cucumbers. I really wish that it was more, but feeding my boys veggies is a huge struggle and i know these are the things that they will eat for sure and will not go to waste. I ordered my seeds from seeds of change. I highly recommend them, I'll have to let you know how my harvest turns out.
we are blessing in the fact that we live in a region that is very big on organic, free range produce. There are so many farmers markets and farms in this area that getting local fresh oragnic produce is easy and for the most part cheaper then if we were in another location. So for that I am thankful.. but i wish that food choices were easier. sigh...

1 comment:

Kmarie said...

You are doing good gentle one. You are doing good. For more thoughts on that see my comment on Missys blog.