Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, November 9, 2012

Because i have to.....

He works full time as a dispatcher for an oil company.

He has his own business.

He developed a patent for a water augmented jet engine.

He is an entrepreneur.

He is building an airplane. Yep... AN AIRPLANE IN OUR SHOP... from scratch.. like his own design he came up with and he decided that he was going to build it.

He gives me back rubs every night. Seriously.. Spoiled....

He engages and plays with the kids during the day.

He helps with homeschooling the kids.

He encourages and motivates us and loves us in ways that grow us and challenge us.

HE BLESSES ME. He works so hard! and i can't imagine this family without him!


Leanne said...


If only more wives knew how powerful it is to bless their husbands instead of tear them down!

Thank you for this!

Kmarie said...

This is sweet;) you are a great couple;)