Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, November 30, 2012

Goodbye November, Hello December.
I feel like every year I am in a stage of growing and learning...
 that basically has been the theme of my life for the past 10 or so years.
Moving away to college, marriage, children, autism, vocational life plan changes, house buying, Apraxia and other special needs, death of a loved parent, birth of a nephew (which i know seems like it would be a great life event... but the story is just so steeped in pain) , learning boundaries and how my much my heart can take... that's just the past 10 years... that doesn't include the years before that and there are events in there that aren't huge but have a big effect. And a lot of those events have left me wondering, shaken, questioning and lost in who i am.

Maybe this next year... Maybe.. just maybe it won't be so eventful. Maybe i can just report no major events. Maybe i can just focus on loving those closest to me and growing. Maybe i can have a day where there isn't an overwhelming emotion...  I don't expect that i will sail through rest of life without more *adventures, just because, Lord knows I've had a fair share (or unfair.. depending on what day you talk to me and what mood i am in!)... But i am hoping that maybe i can embrace each adventure with a bit of grace, with a bit of wisdom, and truthfully stick to who i am and not let my worth in Christ shake when the winds of this adventure blow hard and fierce.  Maybe... so goodbye November... you taught me much, Hello December.. here's to Hope.


Kmarie said...

Oh this was lovely and I hope for your sake you have an uneventful year too sweet soul. I prayed for that last year and while I would not say that it was uneventful or not tough this WAS one of my better years of hope and healing in a different way:) I was at least inspired many times and made better decisions. I will pray that for you too:)

Leanne said...

Yes and Amen.